Crystal Palace Taffy Maker
This item came to the museum almost two years ago, donated by the James and Pat Mason Family.
For those of you who recall the Crystal Palace Restaurant, you may remember they made their own taffy candy. They also put the name of the restaurant on each side of each piece. They ran the taffy through this hand cranked machine and the top roll etched in CRYSTAL and the bottom roll etched in PALACE.
We plan to install the unit at the museum. After trying non taffy items to demonstrate, we found Play Dough goes through the two rolls.

Crystal Palace is Remodeled; Has New Front
The Tribune-Press., July 08,1942, Page 10.
Extensive repairs and alterations have been completed at the Crystal Palace Coffee Shop, Gouverneur, following several weeks’ work, James Constantikes, owner-manager has announced. The remodeled bake-shop and restaurant has a seating capacity of 70 persons.
A modern, green Victory front greets the customer as he approaches the Crystal Palace Coffee Shop. Over the front, with large plate glass windows, are blocks of structural glass. On the side of the V-shaped front is a window designed for baked goods with large glass sliding doors at the rear.
A new ice Cream mixing machine and freezing cabinet is stationed at the right of the door as one faces the heavy marble fountain with its new equipment. On the left of the room show cases are lined up with their stocks of candy.
In the rear of the room with blue walls and white ceiling, are mahogany colored booths with marble-type table tops. On the floor is a heavy rubber floor covering with black and white design. The interior is illuminated by fluorescent lighting. Two completely equipped rest rooms have been added.
Mr. Constantikes said that he has remodeled his establishment, which has been in Gouverneur for over 36 years, because he felt the public needed and wanted such a Coffee Shop. “I feel,” he said last night, “that Gouverneur is deserving of such a place, when communities of comparable size and some smaller communities have business establishments of this type.”
The Crystal Palace was first established in Gouverneur in 1906 by George Anderson and John Polites. In October, 1911, the Crystal Palace was taken over by two brothers, John G. Constantikes and James Constantikes. This partnership endured and prospered until January 1, 1942, when John Constantikes retired from the business because of ill health. He died shorty after his retirement from business.
Mr. Constantikes said that when the new sign which he has ordered arrives, the former Crystal Palace will be known as the Crystal Palace Coffee Shop. New additions win the new coffee shop include a larger selection of foods including sandwiches and regular diners. “All foods and baked goods formerly sold by the firm will continue to be sold in the future,” Mr. Constantikes has announced.